前陣子組織調整,高階主管指派某主管 will serve as the primary Sales liaison with Finance team,其中「Liaison」指的是「聯絡人」或「聯絡角色」,負責Sales部門與Finance部門之間的溝通和協調工作,確保兩個部門的資訊流暢、合作順利。
- She was appointed as the liaison between the marketing and design teams to ensure smooth collaboration.
- As a liaison officer, his role is to ensure smooth information flow between departments.
- Effective liaison between the client and the service provider is crucial for project success.
Egg on our face
最近在與業務端的同事合作時,得知客戶對於我們的訂價有所抱怨, 業務端的主管提到 bit of egg on our face,的意思是感到有些尷尬或丟臉,通常因為犯了錯誤或做了某些事之後效果不佳。它源於一個比喻,想像臉上沾了雞蛋是一種令人難堪的情況。
- We ended up with egg on our face when the product we hyped didn’t meet customer expectations.
- The software update caused major issues for users, leaving us with egg on our face.
- The campaign backfired badly, and now we have a bit of egg on our face for how we handled it.
Fire drill
「Fire drill」常被用來比喻需要立即處理的緊急任務或專案,通常會需要先放下手邊的其他案子,老闆可能會跟你說 :
“please prioritize this today ahead of anything else you’re working on.”
- We had to drop everything for a fire drill project that came up unexpectedly.
- The marketing team is handling a fire drill to address the sudden PR crisis.
- Yesterday was chaotic; we had multiple fire drills due to system outages.
- Our department is constantly in fire drill mode, reacting to issues as they arise.
- Let’s plan ahead to avoid these last-minute fire drills in the future.
公司內部和財報earnings call 主管常說的 initiatives 指的是公司為了達成特定目標而啟動的計劃、策略或行動方案。這些通常是一些具有明確方向和目標的活動,旨在推動公司成長、提升業務績效、解決問題或創造新機會。
公司管理層通常會在 earnings call 中提及他們正在推行或計劃實施的各種策略和行動,以達成特定的業務目標。這些行動計劃可能涉及新產品開發、業務流程改進、市場拓展、數位轉型等方面。
- We have several initiatives underway to develop innovative products that meet emerging customer needs.
- I’ll discuss recent developments and our exciting new build program, part of our growth platform, as well as new initiatives on all three of our award-winning brands as part of our product pillar.
- Our cost-reduction initiatives have resulted in significant savings this quarter.
- These weaknesses in performance were offset by …, where we benefited from pricing, efficiency initiatives and better overall cost performance.
- The company’s expansion initiatives into new markets are expected to drive revenue growth.
- … should also benefit from volume growth linked to sustainability initiatives among customers and new markets such as PFAS.
- Our digital transformation initiatives are enhancing customer engagement and operational efficiency.
- It will also benefit from upgraded and common IT systems and other technology-driven initiatives.